Black and White photography is to a certain extent a lost skill. In the age of colour, we want to have everything in bright colours. Sometimes it is good to step back in time a little to create something a little different and in an age where computer programs are able to adjust images easily, there is no reason why, once in a while you shouldnt explore to possibility of creating a black and white image.

Black and White images are, for me, about the moment. Choosing what photo to convert to a black and white depends very much on what converting it to black and white will do for the image. Will it enhance it? or will it take away from the image?

On this particular image, it enhanced it, take away the colour and what you have left is the expression on the childs face, no colour to distract the viewer away from the expression on the childs face and the eyes.

Not all images will work well in black and white, it all depends on the lighting, backlighting, and side lighting make great B&W photos (that does not mean all photos taken with the sun behind the main object is going to work out well as a black and white. It just means that when you are experimenting with your photos, look first for photos you have taken this way.

What software do you need to do this with? Personally, I use Adobe Lightroom , but if you are wanting a good free alternative, Picasa is an excellent program for photo editing and organising. It has some excellent editing and touch up features and is a great place to start for this.

So next time you are looking through your photos, try something different and look to see what a good photo you have taken looks like in B&W , you might be pleasantly surprised by the outcome.


Kendra said...

Mm, we should blow that one up for the wall. :D

Unknown said...

What a great picture! Thanks for the great info on the way you take your pictures! I love to play around with my camera but I really don't know what I'm doing! I'll be looking at your site more for some things to experiment with!

greydogsma said...

Wonderful black and white photo of the child!! Thanks for your input
on the subject and process too! I
will look into the links you have
posted for online editing tools as well. Thank you! Great job with your entire blog too! Love your photos and the tips you gave on each type of photo. :)